About Cyrus Bush

Cyrus Bush


For a decade, I’ve been helping people effectively deal with their emotional roadblocks and tap into their awesomeness … the very best version of themselves!

For many people, success and peace seem to be an unattainable dream that is always out of their reach. Because of anxiety, fear and resistance, they feel stuck … unable to move forward past the barriers. The truth is that we are all capable of living our best lives. However, for a variety of reasons, we are the very ones holding ourselves back and standing in our way.

EFT/Tapping is an incredibly effective tool for resetting the body’s fear response by physically tapping on certain points on the body while at the same time, talking about and focusing on a negative or even traumatic memory. This process can literally transform the way you feel about yourself and about the memory.

In the past I have worked as a Hospital Chaplain and as a Church Choir Director. Currently, as a Mentor/Coach, I am dedicated to helping professional women and men discover how amazing it can be to look into the mirror and feel love and acceptance for the person they see; to experience the inspiring realization that they are actually capable of doing and being more than they had ever dreamed possible and to discover ways of living their best life and becoming the best version of themselves.

It is my goal to help liberate and empower people who doubt their own worth, doubt their ability and who feel trapped by life. The work I provide, helps them come to a place of peace, calm and profound self-acceptance. As a Coach/Mentor, nothing gives me greater joy than helping another person realize how amazing they are and to embrace and celebrate their awesome uniqueness.

It is my desire to help you grow in confidence and to experience a brand-new level of peace, love and purpose in your life! When I discovered EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, it revolutionized my life in many ways. I invite you to experience the revolution for yourself.


Cyrus has  presented to small business owners and entrepreneurs at The Winston Salem Venture Cafe’ on techniques and tools for reducing stress and anxiety around public speaking and doing a presentation. He has presented for the small Business EXPO of Winston Salem and shared tips on ways to release the blocks that may be holding you back … keeping you from attracting your ideal clients.

A sampling of Clients with whom Cyrus works would include:   I.T. personnel,  Massage Therapists, Photographers, Educators, Musicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses and Chaplains and other hospital support staff.

Cyrus is a retired hospital chaplain and a retired Church Choir Director. He holds a Master of Divinity degree as well as a Master of Music degree. Cyrus is certified in Emotional Freedom Techniques as well as Matrix Reimprinting.  He is a vocalist and a pianist and enjoys singing in his church choir and playing piano for local groups.

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